Monday, 17 October 2016


If there is any of our culture that wouldn't fade over time, it would be a "Nigeria Wedding".

I have attended a lot actually and I can tell  that it wouldn't go out of style rather it have been improved on with lots of spices that makes each wedding stand out from others.

The reason why this culture wouldn't vanish overnight like some of our morals have, is that our parents tends to take it very serious, as a matter of fact - more serious than the couple to be.

 Every Nigeria wedding is actually a ceremony for the villagers, society and family/friends, hence in most cases is not about the two people involved but more like "Their Wedding - Our Marriage".  That is why shades and colours of Asoebi for a Nigerian Wedding is unending, is a procession of groups of invitee who wants to feel included in your marriage even when they wouldn't a get ring.

In as much as Church Programs take time in Nigeria, A wedding event might have a time frame but wait till dancing time and eventually the mother-in-laws start dancing for their share of money.

Each tribe has their unique style and dressing which epitomize richness in culture and diversity.

Interestingly, most Nigeria weddings have the couple worrying if their invitee have being fed well and given attention, if there is enough food and drinks to go round and to some the weight of your gift to their wedding which sometimes determines your souvenir. so when you see someone coming back from a wedding with a hand fan, know that two things are involved; he/she doesn't know the couple and their gift didn't meet up to expectation.

As creative as we can get, most Nigeria couples moved the Nigeria Wedding abroad and made sure the world knows how every wedding should be celebrated and remembered.

It even gave birth to a lot of aspiring couples to start investing in wedding ceremony abroad, taking a serious dance lesson as to attract more dollars on the dance floor.

If you haven't been to a Nigeria Wedding before, you now have my permission to do so - Go and Crash a Wedding!
